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Matching Tags: sick of stupidity


Huntress are coming out with their Starbound Beast record on July 2 and wanted you to know what that sorta thing sounds like.

Tour Dates

Well this sounds like an entire face full of fuck for a tour. In a good way where one's face would be full of...


Hardcore punk-type act The Greenery are getting ready to release their upcoming record, It's Looking Grim. Why not get y'all ready with a new...

Upcoming Releases

Guitarist Mike Scaccia might have passed on in late 2012, but not without leaving the world with one more kickass Ministry record!


New Exhumed sounds pretty all over the place, in a good way! Think about a crazy spastic version of what Exhumed has done up...


The new jam "The Ocean" by The Absence is way badass in a way that I can't quite explain. Think about everything you love...


Lyric videos have become somewhat of a trend in recent months and this one absolutely tops them all. Mostly because it's not all too...

Mustaine Mania

I made a promise that I wouldn't post any more Dave Mustaine stories this week, but then I found this amazing video and it...


I have never listened to Battlecross before, but their new song has led me to believe that they are amazing and I have been...

Latest News

Yesterday, System of a Down bassist Shavo Odadjian made some pretty stupid comments about going on without lead singer Serj Tankian that didn't sit...


Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats are streaming Mind Control, which we've so graciously reviewed for you reading pleasure right here. Spoiler- it's great.


We've been teasing you with trailers for quite some time now, but Century Media has finally posted the new Tesseract album in it's entirety!

Live Footage

What's better than the new Intronaut record? A killer live performance of the sick lead single off the new Intronaut record!


For all those unaware, Kriss Kross was a rap group in the 90's that made that song "Jump." One of the duo, Chris Kelly,...


Rotting Out are dropping their new record The Wrong Way on May 7, but you definitely don't have to wait until then to hear...


Ramming Speed might have just released what might the catchiest thrash song of 2013 by a long shot off their upcoming record, Doomed to...


Listening to a new, young band like Starkill is sort of like playing a game of audio charades. Who do they most sound like?


Who ever said Reign Supreme isn't tough? They're very tough, especially guitarist Dave Heck. Heck was stabbed yesterday afternoon (April 28th) in his backyard...

Show Recap

New England Metal and Hardcore Fest has long been my favorite show of the year. Among its many great qualities, one that stands out...

Latest News

Chimaira have posted up their IndieGoGo campaign for their upcoming album Crown of Phantoms due out on July 30. Excited much?


From the demonic minds behind Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Squidbillies, and Stroker & Hoop comes Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, a new series starring Henry Zebrowski as a...

Latest News

Sylosis have recorded a live in-studio set for BBC Radio 1‘s “Rock Show With Daniel P Carter.” It'll air in the coming weeks, though no...

Latest News

Leprous give you a taste of their upcoming album Coal (out May 28) with the song "Chronic," which is much less stoner-related than you think.