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Prepare for slow, cold doom.

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They just ran out time.

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Possibly on a small stripped down stage set up!

Shocking Revelations

A Tool without Justin is no Tool for me!

Record Sales

People all over the world are buying the new Tool album.

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The epic-voiced Hansi Kürsch sat down with me one perfect, early fall evening in Chicago about week ago to chat about Demons & Wizards....

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Metallica brought out a ton of new jams


Slipknot, they're for everyone from kids to our elders. We've seen plenty of kids rocking out to Slipknot, and now footage has surfaced from...

New Music

Scarlet Dress, a progressive metalcore project featuring Michael Rodriguez (vocals) and Sushant Vohra (instruments), is one of the few acts bridging the gap between...


In maintaining many of their idiosyncrasies while also delving deeper into a focused narrative and more approachable structures, Kayo Dot has undoubtedly created a...

Music Videos

Fit For An Autopsy will release their new album The Sea Of Tragic Beasts on October 25 and are currently streaming the crushing title...

Show Recap

Earlier this year, the world was invited to the legend of Norwegian black metal in a way it’s never seen, through the release of...


Black metal and the works of Friedrich Nietzche share a profound sense of awe and grandeur at the natural world, and a refusal to...

Dymbur is an Shillong, India-based progressive metal/djent group consisting of Julian Andrew Lyngdoh (vocals), Cornelius Kharsyntiew (guitar), Mayson Dkhar (bass), and Achugra Sangma (drums)....

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. COFFIN ROT – Miasma of Barbarity Toxic death...

Tour Dates

Eyehategod are a touring machine, and the machine doesn't stop for anybody. Sadly, it looks like guitarist Jimmy Bower can't make this go-around. The...


June 22nd, 2019 marked one year since the world lost legendary drummer Vinnie Paul, who passed away in his Las Vegas home from complications...