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Search results for "fail"


Where Gloom Becomes Sound creeps in like a ghost in the hall. “In Remembrance” sets the tone for Tribulation’s most gothic record to date....


It's as official as official can be. Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States of America. As the nation watches, so...

Full Album Stream

Like shoegaze, but more in your face and earworm-y.

Latest News

"I'm thinking of 9/11, going on tour, thinking we might die any night."

Best of 2020

This is the point of the year where I usually make a joke about the hits and misses, what bands are underrated and which...


North Kingsley/System of a Down bassist Shavo Odadjian unloaded on the international community for ignoring the Armenia-Azerbaijan crisis that has so far claimed 6000...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Silent Skies, Daniel Tompkins, Children Of Technology, and Wombbath.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. AKHLYS – Pnigalion Naas Alcameth's (ex-Nightbringer/Bestia Arcana) blistering black metal returns...

It's Just Business

You may have noticed that artists began circulating their "Spotify Wrapped" promotional materials, where they proudly displayed how many listeners they had this year...

Around the Interwebs

No other musician in the metal atmosphere better epitomizes the YOLO lifestyle than former WASP guitarist Chris Holmes. He emphasizes that lifestyle in his...

Music Videos

"The failure and losing streak is a deceptive reality that slowly finds its way as diminishing returns."

Upcoming Releases

"The concept of an acoustic record is something we’ve been considering—and encouraged to pursue by fans—for many years."


Marilyn Manson has released a statement, speaking publicly for the first time about allegations that actress made against a former boyfriend, believed to be...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off by talking about Emmure's failed Patreon page. We review the two new songs from System of a Down, and play...


"We tried something and it failed. Sorry and thank you."

Extreme of the Extreme

Welcome to another great Wednesday of Extreme of the Extreme. This week, extreme metal band Without Mercy provides a video for their new track...