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Search results for "system-of-a-down"

Injection Reflection

This week belonged to Ghost and to too much wrestling. Here's what you missed this week. Listen: GHOST Premiere New Song "Rats!" On The...


We're pretty sure we're onto System of A Down's latest tease.

Mashups & Covers

YouTubers Andriy Vasylenko and Denis Pauna took 17 Metallica tracks, a good portion of which were deep cuts, and decided to explore what would...

Kids In Metal

These Kids React videos always have a way to make me feel old, seeing how modern day teens feel about the music I grew up...

Gear Gods

Drummer Cameron Fleury thinks that Metallica's controversial album St. Anger has "the absolute worst sounding snare drum of all time." To prove his point, he decided...


The official announcement comes in April. Could new music be on the horizon?


Seminal releases from Rob Zombie, System of A Down, Korn, Death, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth and others

Best of 2017

Well, this is pretty much it for 2017. Barring some big breaking news updates in the next few days, we are all done with...

Injection Reflection

I know that last week we said that things are going to slow down this week, and they really didn't, but this week, we're...

Latest News

"We've discussed it and we've played each other songs, but we still haven't come eye to eye on how things should be done for...


A few days after Serj Tankian rained on the parade of any hope for new System of A Down anytime soon because he's currently...

Injection Reflection

It's going to finally snow in New York City this weekend. Great! Here's what you missed:m LINKIN PARK Frontman Chester Bennington's Toxicology Results Released...

br00tal Comedy

Kids are pretty into it / aware of who Black Sabbath is.

Upcoming Releases

Also, what the hell happened to These Grey Men for two years?

Kids In Metal

Except for one kid. He friggin' loves it.

br00tal Comedy

There is a lot to learn in how kids interpret heavier music.

Metal In The Mainstream

You may have missed it because something else was flying around distracting you.