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Good reviews all around this week (kind of). But still, my relative good mood aside, we've got some genuinely awesome stuff coming out, from...


Fozzy has debuted their new track, "Sandpaper" and of all the Fozzy songs I've ever heard, I hate  this one the least. Maybe, possibly,...


Sophomore slump has plagued countless bands, regardless of the genre. It’s always difficult to follow up an album that could have taken any number...


A few months ago, there was complete uproar in the city of Boston with rumors of Old Man Gloom returning to grace us not...


Epic. Masterpiece. Mind-blowing. Superlative, superlative, superlative. It's hard to hide my excitement here; Portal Of I, down to its final note, is the perfect...

Upcoming Releases

This memorial day weekend was filled with BBQ and beer and fake patriotism, so in his infinite wisdom Uncle Sam decided not to give...


Acephalix breathe life into fetid, sepulchral death with crust punk beats and chest-bursting rage. Deathless Master is a subtle refinement of the ripping, rupturous...


When you really think about it, Sweden’s Meshuggah is extreme metal’s answer to Tool. Both bands have some of the most supportive and staunch...


They may not be a stand-out band in the Death Metal world for me, but I have always appreciated Aborted’s guttural brand of blood-soaked...

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There has been a lot of commotion the last few days about music streaming service Spotify. While the service is awesome for consumers, some...


Flourishing don't play by anyone's rules.  This is often a hallmark of interesting music that isn't ultimately engaging or enduring.  The Sum of All...

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Metal Injection sent roving reporter Chloe Scannapieco to Sonisphere UK last weekend, and she came back full of great memories of seeing Metallica, Slayer,...


When you're obligated (or just want) to listen to as much music as I do, it becomes difficult if not impossible to "memorize" a...


Unless you're an invalid or just stupid, you are aware of the escalating events going on in the Middle East. Forgetting your political convictions...


I've always thought of Krallice's music as a duel, envisioning the guitars feinting, parrying and maneuvering in abstract aural dimensions at ludicrous speed. About...


Between the Buried and Me have been at the forefront of technical metal ever since they busted out their monster full-length Alaska in 2005. They...


Canada’s Protest The Hero has been making quite a buzz in the metal scene ever since their 2005 release, Kezia. The band has always...


by James Zalucky When it comes to creativity, few bands can match the power and brilliance of  AGALLOCH. Over the course of their career...

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By Atanamar Sunyata You say Skeletonwitch, I say bangover.  You add Withered and Landmine Marathon, and I say call me an ambulance.  This combination...


By Ben Apatoff JULIE CHRISTMAS could sing a bus schedule and make it sound compelling. On The Bad Wife, her solo debut, she roars,...


Over the weekend, footage surfaced from The Dillinger Escape Plan's current European tour of the band being joined by Loïc Rossetti, vocalist of The...

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This is certainly interesting. Two of the founding members of Killswitch Engage, guitarist/drummer/producer Adam Dutkiewicz and Jesse Leach have formed a new project called...

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When Avenged Sevenfold announced they will spend the summer on the Rockstar Uproar tour, many wondered who would be drumming for the band? Wonder...