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Search results for "roar"

A Female Perspective

Cronos of Venom makes some comments about frontwomen that get the metal world in an uproar.

Black Metal History

There are a lot of purist black metal bands that hide behind the shield of "keeping it trve" to defend rote, uninspired songwriting, but...


"Watchers of Rule showcases a band firing on all cylinders. There is an urgency, a purpose and a drive I haven't felt in a...

Black Metal History

By now, fans know what to expect, and that is the assurance that Taake continually manages to walk the fine line between creative expansion...

Earnings & Attendance

Would you believe us if we told you Limp Bizkit outsold Mastodon at the same venue?


Perhaps there’s no greater love letter to our sweaty, hedonistic subculture than the heavy metal cover song. Metal kids grow up playing along to...

Weekly Injection

Welcome to the first WEEKLY INJECTION of 2014's home stretch. This edition includes a bunch of different sounding bands from England, lots of straight-up...


Upon the moors of ancient Albion, a cold wind of black metal fury has been roaring, growing steadily in pitch since its first stirrings back...


For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want...


To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what angle to take in this review. Do I try a purely fair assessment of Bloodtruth’s abilities...


I'm like Fred Durst right now, droppin' all these unnecessary f-bombs. Fuck!

Undergound Buzz

Roaring out of the caverns of the underground is New York City's own Dracaris wring some new (un)life out of the maelstrom that is...

Upcoming Releases

That was unexpected!


Pallbearer roared into 2012 with enormous expectations, being one of the most hyped new bands in years without an actual album under their belt....


With their seventh full-length album, Every Time I Die gives the listener a few flavors from the band’s inventory, some more melodic and experimental,...


Emerging out of the rough-edged husk of lineup changes and label unrest - including a six year gap (2003-2009) between releases - is a...


It's also nice to see Todd Jones isn't a raving animal hungry for the blood of the innocent.


Now, almost as if in response to The Satanist, Spain's Teitanblood has loosed Death; a nigh impenetrable mass of atavistic black/death chaos. Death is...

Weekly Injection

Last week was a beast of a week for new releases and it looks like next week will be an even mightier beast. I'd...

Latest News

No word on if those dogs make an appearance.


Across the spectrum in today's metal scene there are albums done with computers, triggers, effects, and a ton of studio tinkering, and then there...