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Search results for "hurt"


"I’ve played it safe for the past decade with DTP [Devin Townsend Project] and I have a lot of things left to say that...

Mashups & Covers

Master mash up artist Bill McClintock offers us another shocking new Slayer mash up. Seriously, how does he figure this stuff up? This time,...

Bummer Alert

Fans hoping to catch Ulver on their upcoming west coast U.S. tour are out of luck, because the band just announced they'd been forced...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank sits down with Justin from Crippled Black Phoenix to discuss the ins and outs of the band including the line up, music being...

Metal Crimes

His father was seen leaving the courtroom crying.

Upcoming Releases

Wayne Static's vocals will be featured on half the tracks.

Latest News

Anselmo's actions a few years ago continue to haunt him.


A simple guide for the growing band!

Metal Science

"[Death metal] fans are nice people. They're not going to go out and hurt someone."


Finish metal band Children of Bodom's Hexed is their 10th studio album and their first in roughly four years following 2015’s I Worship Chaos. Having...


While the band members may be the meat and potatoes of an album, we often overlook the other major contributors involved in records. In...


I started my 70000 Tons of Metal journey, my first ever cruise, scraping myself out of a bed in Miami Beach. Mornings like this...

Latest News

Another As I Lay Dying concert has been cancelled after public outcry. Memphis, TN venue Growlers has announced they will not be putting on...


Portland's Ossuarium has a bright (er...dark?) future ahead of it, as shown by their fantastic debut album.

Twenty Nine-Scene

The year 2019 is now Twenty Nine-Scene. Join Two Minutes to Late Night co-creator Drew Kaufman as he looks at back at the seminal...