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They say talent runs in the family. Well, these ten bloodlines are living proof of it. For almost as long as music’s been around,...


"I did not divorce Twiggy as a friend or brother, because I still care about him greatly."


The band is hitting the studio this month.


Thank you, The Dillinger Escape Plan

RIP a Livecast

We kick off the show talking about our favorite moments on the show in 2017. Rob talked about going to one of the final...


The Dillinger Escape Plan aren't going down without a fight.

br00tal Comedy

Looks like SlayerBob has some competition. For years, Bob has been producing pretty awesome Christmas light shows, but his place atop the Christmas lightshow...


It's been a few weeks since Manson offered a hot take.

Latest News

Another year, another list. This has been, in my not so humble opinion an excellent year for heavy metal. We've seen a ton of...

Best of 2017

2017 may be remembered as the final curtain for true founders of heavy metal in Black Sabbath, but that's not to say that it...

Best of 2017

Another year is just about in the books. As the world teeters further and further toward the chasm of total breakdown, we the good...

Best of 2017

This is the music that made 2017 bearable.


Pacifisticuffs isn’t as special or surprising as its predecessors, but it’s a really good album in its own right, as it maintains a decent...

Upcoming Releases

Also, holy crap. It's been four years since the last Baptists album.


Any guesses on how much this cost?


Sweet Death and Ecstasy offers a healthy demonstration of Midnight's penchant for writing rebar rigid heavy metal that salutes the rocking past while simultaneously...