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Music Videos

Unsurprisingly black metal, as always.


According to longtime engineer Mike Fraser.


Tool's debut album, Undertow, was released 26 years ago today, April 6th, 1993. In celebration we're counting down 26 interesting facts you may not...

Injection Reflection

It's WrestleMania weekend, and there's a ton of metal news this week. While you watch all the hurracanranas and topés, here is what you...

Upcoming Releases

The snippet sounds like a boss battle in an RPG.


You are not ready for this one...

Tour Dates

Probably right before they hit the studio.


Fallujah has stripped itself of its fiery edge and produced a record more akin to an overwrought jam session than a raging death metal...

Injection Reflection

How the hell is March over? We're 1/4ths of the way done with 2019?! Time is a speeding train going forward. Here is what...

Full Album Stream

The UK quintet reveals how Part Island finds them perfecting their instrumental formula while delving further than ever into complementary vocal tapestries.