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"I felt anxiety because they would blame our singer, and it's not his fault."

Record Sales

Can Slipknot save rock?


If you were watching WWE Summerslam tonight, you saw the return of Bray Wyatt who was debuting his new persona, "The Fiend" in a...

"I experienced this profound sense of genuine excitement."

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New Immolation is always a good thing.

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Happy Slipknot day! It's a big day for maggots all across the world, as today Slipknot officially releases We Are Not Your Kind, their sixth...

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Logcruise just doesn't work as well.

Upcoming Releases

Specifically Bobby Blitz, Phil Demmel, Mark Menghi, and Mike Portnoy.

New Music

Can you believe it's finally Tool time?!


Acoustic Baroness really needs an official release.

Music Videos

Refused have announced their second reunion album, titled War Music, for October 18. The band is now streaming a new song called “Blood Red”,...

Music Videos

It's basically the audible equivalent of a few cups of coffee.


Hard rockers Skillet have been delivering crowd pleasing anthems for a long time, and their latest album Victorious is jam packed with them.