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Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Tour Dates

Remember Rockstar Energy Mayhem Fest and its punk brothers at the Uproar Festival? Sadly, both fests went away a few years ago but now...

Tour Dates

Disturbed released their new album, Evolution, last year and today announced they will continue to tour supporting it with a massive summer tour. Pop...

Show Recap

Images and words by Stefan Raduta Twenty-six years, don’t they go by in a blink of an eye? It’s been a long and arduous...

Latest News

Over the last few days, more info has started slowly coming to fruition since the shocking news last week that percussionist Chris Fehn was suing...

New Music

Death Angel are back and they are here to remind you why they ruled all these years. The Bay Area thrash legends just released...

New Music

Thrash metal titans in the making, War Curse bring you some hard hitting madness with the video for their new single, 'Serpent,' featuring a...

It's Just Business

Fehn offers a lot of claims but not a lot of details.


Classics from Slipknot, Lamb of God, Behemoth and more turn 15 this year

Upcoming Releases

Lamb of God are ready to enter the studio and work on new material. That's the indication that guitarist Mark Morton gave in a...


Former guitarist Donnie Steele checks in with his opinion.

Breakups & Shakeups

Given the news last week that Chris Fehn is suing Slipknot over what he believes is unpaid earnings, it should come as no surprise...

The Obituarist

Hello mutants!  Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here taking a well-needed break from slaving over lyrics for the impending 9th TBDM album to...

Black Friday

There's a blossoming wave of brilliant black metal coming from the Netherlands over the last decade or so, particularly within the last five years....


Finish metal band Children of Bodom's Hexed is their 10th studio album and their first in roughly four years following 2015’s I Worship Chaos. Having...