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Search results for "A"

Music Videos

Frankly, The Agonist needs a little redeeming. Everything up to the band's last album Eye of Providence was great, but that one didn't quite...


Ulcerate doing a little less Ulcerate this time.


Trap Them basically shoves your head into a mulcher and keeps on grinding with Crown Feral.


Epica has truly crafted another masterful and brilliant work of symphonic metal in The Holographic Principle


It gets pretty hippy dippy all up in there.

Upcoming Releases

It's time for new Mastodon. Will we see a new Mastodon album in 2017?


Photographer Robert Forte (40 Photography) was out at the Asheville, NC stop of Gojira's recent tour and snapped some gorgeous photos of the killer...


Neurosis are back, expanding their soundworlds and proving once more that they are among the greats.

Metal Crimes

Pugh claims Kelly "violated her right to privacy," impacted her ability to obtain work and caused her "severe emotional distress."

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Noisear’s Turbulent Resurgence.

Around the Interwebs

It's very rare to see Phil Anselmo outshined, but such is life when you're standing next to the legendary former 16-time wrestling world champion,...

Gear Gods

Opeth make beautiful music, this we know as fact. But, do you know you can make an Opeth track instantly become more beautiful with...

Full Album Stream

The English group rivals some of instrumental metal's marquee names with their second studio album.

Breakups & Shakeups

It's because Josh Middleton is touring with Architects.