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Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

How cool of a name is Witchthroat Serpent?

Bands and Booze

It's a Czech pilsner and the packaging is cool.

Upcoming Releases

Well, that explains why the math didn't add up.

Upcoming Releases

Album #13 for the Greek death metal unit.


Everything, from the acrid, biting vocals to the pummeling, dissonant fretwork is emblematic of hardcore punk's best traits. When A Patient Man clicks, which...

Weekly Injection

This edition is one very much for me. Lots of prog from both studio and stage, dumb comedy rock, and more! To the metals...

Weekly Injection

This edition some amazing melodic death metal, lots of feedback, another Thou release somehow, and more! To the metals...


France's tech death metal kings Gorod are back with a new concept album that will blow your mind.


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Tour Dates

One of Arizona's preeminent metal talents, Spirit Adrift hits the road this week for a string of tour dates. The dates begin Wednesday and stretch through...


It's been three years since the last Dopethrone full length, but the band's myth has only grown. They are one of the premier acts in sludge...

The future looks bright for Griffin Taylor.


Eight grim and frostbitten tracks with a ferocity and blackened dynamism not heard since their classic At The Heart Of Winter album nearly twenty...


Taken on its own, Queen of Time is excellent, but when considered in context as the thirteenth studio effort of a band that’s been...


"We're disappointed. Stryper has always been about making people think outside the box."


If you were to ask me 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to predict that Underoath would last into the year 2018....


It’s probably easy to assume that all the classic heavy metal groups in history started off with inspired records, but looking back, that’s not...


"We lost to Jack Black and Tenacious D. That was a bit of a kick in the balls, because they're a comedy duo."

Tour Dates

Spirit Adrift hits the road this week on a multitude of tour dates that include some stand-alone shows, some in support of Pallbearer, and appearances at...

The Hook Up

We want to send you to the trippiest tour of the summer!

Latest News

"Put it this way, if the band wins anything - awesome! As for a footsie rub, I still don't get one and I've got...


Although it can feel a tad monotonous and underdeveloped at times, Legend of the Seagullmen is an imposing yet fun ride from start to...