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Upcoming Releases

This memorial day weekend was filled with BBQ and beer and fake patriotism, so in his infinite wisdom Uncle Sam decided not to give...


Yep, that's right folks… slut metal! I just heard of this new LA band, Butcher Babies. And, they are so LA. The band has...


It's the hump-day AV roundup. Let's play some tuneskis. Got a killer orchestral cover of Converge, new music from Dying Fetus, Corey Smoot, The...

Upcoming Releases

I'm not in the mood for witty anecdotal introductions this week. But I am in the mood to be mean. Check below for some...

Latest News

Wow, and here I thought that being a musician in Sweden was awesome. In Sweden, you can get public assistance (welfare) for being a...


Yesterday, May 16th, was the two year anniversary of Ronnie James Dio's passing, and the metal world has never been the same since. The...

Tour Dates

I've spoken of my love of Agalloch in the past, it's a band that everybody here at Metal Injection can agree about. And now,...

Sick Art

I would recommend you check out this sick cover art for Testament's new album, Dark Roots of the Earth, but this shit is so...

Sick Art

Here at Metal Injection, we are big fans of shirt mash ups. Take for example, Larrydavhead, a Larry David/Motorhead mashup shirt that I proudly...


Shadows Fall has made its name as one of the most influential and popular metal bands of the last ten years. Despite this fact,...

Fuck Yes!

Wowowowowowow! In a late Friday awesome news break, both Lambgoat and ThePRP are reporting that Lamb of God have cemented their summer touring plans...

Around the Interwebs

Full credit for finding this amazing photo of everybody's favorite frontman, Jaymz, goes to my buddy Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks and props to my...

Around the Interwebs

Two days, two separate cake posts. MetalSucks got another sweet surprise in their inbox with the above Iron Maiden cake. To be fair, the...

Upcoming Releases

The metal gods have spoken, and the cosmic wheel of new releases ever turns. Last week we got by on the strength of no-names...


It's only Tuesday? That's kind of a bummer, why can't it be the weekend for a whole week, am I right? Thankfully, we have...

Metal Merch

Thanks to our buds at MetalSucks for giving us the heads up that Amazon.com is having another awesome $5 album sale. There are 100...


Usually when awesome bands, who haven't played in over a decade, decide to get back together, it makes everyone happy. However, the recent Refused...

Upcoming Releases

A glance at this weeks release schedule will immediately reveal two things; a lack of major releases, and an absurd amount of releases you've...

Breakups & Shakeups

When the Black Dalia Murder announced last week that they have officially welcomed Max Lavelle as their new bassist, everybody was like "BUT WAIT,...


It's finally here! The first taste of Gojira's Roadrunner debut, L’Enfant Sauvage. The title track was just posted on Pitchfork. Yes! Yes! Yes!!! What...


GWAR front-thing Oderus Urungus has become the voice of the voiceless, saying everything that many metalheads are thinking. A few weeks ago, the entire...


Holy shit, it's Thursday already? Fuck yes! The weekend is just around the corner. Let's get this party started with some new tunes: First...

Upcoming Releases

Yes, I know this could easily do without the cheesy introduction, but I'm feelin' good and I like to hear myself speak. So please,...