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BUTCHER BABIES Embrace "Slut Metal"

Yep, that's right folks… slut metal!

I just heard of this new LA band, Butcher Babies. And, they are so LA. The band has two female frontwomen, Carla Harvey and Heidi Shepherd, and they are all about new age girl power, by which I mean they perform topless with their tattys taped up. They've also coined a new term, "slut metal." What!? This genre wasn't featured in our On The Record about subgenres. What could it mean? They explain:

"We can't go balls out — so we go tits out! When girls are perceived as sexual or outspoken, they get labeled sluts, but we embrace those qualities and bring them to our music as well. Butcher Babies is true slut metal: We're doing what we want, how we want."

They literally go tits out! Look at this live clip of them covering Pantera's "Fucking Hostile"

Are you paying attention to the song…or… something else?

Girls, PUT IT BACK IN YOUR SHIRT. Look, you're both very attractive, and I'd love to shtup either of you, but by leaving your breasts out you pretty much make the music you perform pointless. Nobody is going to go to your show and then describe it to your friends as "you guys, I saw the next awesome band, holy fuck…the musicianship Butcher Babies bring to the table is great," No, they are going to go to their friends and say "you gotta see these two sluts performing with their tits out all show."

Then again, maybe they don't care about the artistry and musicianship… maybe they just want to be noticed. Revolver mag recently interviewed them and asked what their goals were and they said:

"To bring slut metal to the masses — duh! In all seriousness, we feel like we are just touching on what we are capable of, and we want to continue to grow, get our music out there, and get on the road! There are so many repressed people out there that need to see a show like ours. Hopefully they will take home with them the message that they are able to do everything they want to do regardless of who they are told they are supposed to be."

Oh, I see. It's a therapeutic exercise for repressed men and women. They are providing a service! How shallow of me to think otherwise. Here's BB's new video for Mr. Slowdeath, let's judge it on musical talent alone…

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