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TERROR Frontman Doesn't Like REFUSED's Reunion


Usually when awesome bands, who haven't played in over a decade, decide to get back together, it makes everyone happy. However, the recent Refused reunion has apparently pissed off Terror frontman, hardcore music's version of Yogi Berra, Scott Vogel. At the recent Groezrock festival in Belgium, the hardcore band's frontman ripped Refused (who went on to play at the same event later that night):

“A lot of bands that come around, they do their thing, they tell you how much they care, they write their songs, they write their lyrics, [and a]  couple of years later, they disappear. They disappear, they don’t go to shows, they don’t support new bands, they don’t buy demos, they don’t give a fuck about me or you. But for some reason, we give them the mighty dollar to come back and play for us, a fake shell of what they once were. And yes, I’m talking about Refused. If you wanna support Refused, that’s up to you, but I don’t support that shit!”

Ouch! Vogel clearly missed out on some awesome shows because of his stance. How do you feel about this?

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