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After half a decade of waiting prog metallers Hammers Of Misfortune are back. The question remains - was it worth the wait?


Haake is dating the actress who portrays Maria Ruiz on the hit Netflix show.

Full Album Stream

In today's Tech-Death Tuesday, we deliver an early stream and review of Illusory, the new EP by renowned British based tech-death band Cognizance.

Song Premiere

Curezum, the worlds only black metal themed The Cure cover band (And supergroup) is back, this time with a cover of A Forest debuting...

Upcoming Releases

Also, drummer Reed Mullin did not play with the band in the UK (again).


Hitting up 2014's Mayhem Fest with an increasingly widespread single called "Coconut Dracula," Islander somehow 'made it.' I don't exactly have a positive affinity...

Metal Science

You damn millennials, not being up to par with the middle-aged crowd.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a lot of melody (sorry?), some covers, even more Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, and more! To the metals…

Dank Slams

This German four-piece have been slammin longer than your dad's been slammin your sweet aunt Betsy, which is 1996 to be exact (kinda fucked...

The Obituarist

Hey there freaks and geeks, Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist reporting live from the road on the current TBDM summer tour with some sick...


Deny the Cross is friggin' bestial, and one of the alphas amongst the powerviolence crowd.


Oh, and the guys who did the theme for the show are signed to Relapse Records.


In today's Tech-death Tuesday, we explore two more new killer 2016 technical death metal releases from Cancerous Womb and Intonate.

Song Premiere

One of Doom Metal's biggest new stars has graced the planet with new music. We are fortunate enough to share it with everyone.


Lamb Of God meets Metallica in Dead Earth Politics strongest release to date!


Some combinations are just inevitably fantastic. Peanut butter and jelly. Chocolate cookies and milk. Black Sabbath and Clutch. With vocalist Neil Fallon and drummer...

Shocking Revelations

A Dio hologram is a real thing that exists now.

Funeral Doom Friday

Their catalog is small, but the Olympia-based Funeral Doom band shows promise for the future. Check them out ahead of their appearance at Migration...

Latest News

We were promised a "different-sounding record." This is definitely that.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes the word "rip" a lot, some gloom, some doom, some things that go boom, and more. To the metals!