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NEVERMORE singer Warrel Dane recently stated that his upcoming solo release with ex-SOILWORK guitarist Peter Witchers, and former HIMSA guitarist Matt Wicklund have approximately...


Perhaps Minus the Herd refers to the hordes of bands mining chaotic metalcore now.  Bands everywhere are mixing death metal, grindcore, math metal, and...

Video Games

Here is the last batch of Guitar Hero Encore Rocks the 80s setlist, which includes 30 songs, and, as expected, Activision has more often...

Latest News

Mick Thomson of SLIPKNOT fame has posted the following update regarding the song he recorded with MALEVOLENT CREATION: “‘Deliver My Enemy‘ is from their...

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HIGH ON FIRE have provided Guitar World magazine’s MetalKult.com with exclusive video footage of the band in the studio working on and talking about...


Every once in a while, an album comes along that gives you goose bumps. 'Ashes of the Wake,' 'Spiritual Black Dimensions,"Annihilation of the Wicked'-...

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According to the official DEATHKLOK Myspace page, the beloved metal series will be returning in a big way in September. The first official Deathklok...


WARNING: Watching this video may cause uncontrolable moshing which may result in damaging your computer. ION DISSONANCE have just released their new vidoe for...


MADBALL have made the title track to their upcoming album, “Infiltrate The System”, available at their MySpace page. The album is due to be...

Tour Dates

AS I LAY DYING and DARKEST HOUR have lined up some dates for a European tour: September 07th Wolverhampton, UK – Wulfrun Hall September...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man is me, Greg Weeks, and I'm the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask me about my...

Latest News

In a June 18th press release, Norwegian black-metallers MAYHEM announced that they were cancelling upcoming tour dates because of an injury their drummer, Hellhammer,...

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CRIONICS have set July 31st as the North American release date for “NeuThrone”. The effort will be released through Candlelight Records. SPITFIRE have booked...

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NEGATIVA, the Quebec-based band featuring former GORGUTS members Steeve Hurdle (guitar, vocals) and Luc Lemay (guitar, vocals), along with Etienne Gallo (drums, AUGURY) and...

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MTV.com reports: This week, a Polish anti-sect organization dubbed “The All-Polish Committee for Defense Against Sects” released a list of artists it claims “promote...

Latest News

In a press release on the band's official website, RAMMSTEIN revealed that they have recently begun work on a new album. "After more than...


Buy a neck brace. That seems to be the message that August Burns Red is trying to get across with their sophomore release Messengers....


I know this review is about a year over due, but I felt that it was about time someone gave this band a little...


MISERY INDEX will begin a European tour with COLDWORKER and DEW SCENTED only a few days from now. You can view some of the...


Pictured above is the cover art for the upcoming GOREFEST album, “Rise to Ruin”, due out August 28th in North America via Nuclear Blast....

Clip of the Day

Whoever Youtube user 'weedwacker67' is, he is my new hero. He managed to sneak in a camcorder into Radio City Music Hall and tape...

Video Games

The World Series of Video Games, the first international video game competition circuit for multiple game platforms, will be host to several Guitar Hero...

Tour Dates

Metal legends OBITUARY have just announced plans for a US tour this fall. No further details have been released at this time. Sep. 07...