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"We have carved our pound of flesh and put it to music for all to devour. But is it is our pound of flesh;...

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The compilation will feature previously unreleased material from bands like Benediction, Possessed and Aenimus too.

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On Broken, Wings, Dread, Purgatory, Gloves Off, and a bunch more.

Live Footage

Last night, The Smashing Pumpkins celebrated their 30th anniversary at a special show at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ and they...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

New Music

One of my favorite post-blackened metal bands since the turn of the decade is the Bay Area's Bosse-De-Nage. Long before their counterparts in Deafheaven...


Oakland's Abstracter has evolved and changed quite a bit since their formation in 2010. Originally formed as a noise duo, the band slowly grew into...


12 different writers, 12 very different lists.

Fuck Yes!

Dethklok is the biggest band in the world, why wouldn't they?


Jaw dropping, gorgeous, dynamic - these are just some of the words that can be used to describe the poetic magic of Grayceon.


None of the stories he has about these songs ever speak of Matt Pike wearing a shirt.


It’s probably easy to assume that all the classic heavy metal groups in history started off with inspired records, but looking back, that’s not...


Back in 2015, we mentioned there was a documentary focusing on the grindcore sub-genre in the works by director Doug Brown. Today, we're stoked...

New Music

Bloodmoon have come out of the murk of Central California to melt off your face with a transcendent doom metal attack.


Even though ION is one of Portal's lesser manifestations of auditory horror, it's still an easy recommendation for extreme metal fanatics.


Like many long time listeners of Tribulation, Sweden’s blackened goth rockers, it was the band’s second album, The Formulas Of Death, that really caught...

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He also produced Judas Priest, Exodus, and King Diamond.


Back in 2015, a project called Legend of the Seagullmen involving Mastodon's Brent Hinds and Tool's Danny Carey surfaced. With time, more details of...