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br00tal Comedy

Seriously, just scan to the last 20 seconds if you are impatient, this is amazing!


The last time we've heard a full-length album from Mayhem was Ordo ad Chao in 2007, and then mostly a whole lot of nothing....

Bummer Alert

"That was the compromise with the doctors... — trade the Jack for the wine. But he doesn't tell them he's drinking two fucking bottles,...

Around the Interwebs

What started off as an interesting rant against just one Barenaked Ladies by Skeletonwitch bassist Evan Linger quickly evolves into the man's pure, undying...

Latest News

Ozzy Osbourne is absolutely one of the funniest people on the planet. His sense of comedic timing is bar-none, making him one of the...


Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo has a long history with Ozzy Osbourne. Immediately before joining Metallica in 2003, Trujillo was the bassist in Ozzy's solo...


Emmure is a band we like to write about on this website, because they are very popular and a very dividing band. I feel...


Maryland Deathfest is one of those festivals that pretty much every metal fan knows about… but what makes it so special? Why this particular...


If you're anything like me, you know that autumn is basically the best time of year. The leaves change into awesome colors, there's literally...

Around the Interwebs

So my buddy Topon Das of Fuck The Facts (who are coincidentally playing our CMJ showcase next month) posted about a show his band...


This actually looks fairly terrifying, so if you're in the L.A. area, I'd urge you to check it out! The event will be held every...


2013 seems to be the year for side projects to rear their ugly heads. While some have been uglier than others like the Temple...

Tour Dates

Rob Zombie announced that he'd be doing his Great American Nightmare Festival in October and November of this year in Los Angeles. It sounds...


I'm always stoked when our beloved metal genre gets any attention from late night television. Especially in the days before YouTube, when setting your...

Metal Merch

The people who work behind the scenes in the metal world were devastated this week at the loss of Pat Egan, Relapse’s director of sales for the...


Up until about twenty minutes ago, I had no idea who G.O.A.T. and Your M.O.M. were or what that even stands for, but after...

Sick Art

I ran into Sacha Dunable of Intronaut a few weeks back at NAMM, and the first thing I mentioned to him was how much...

Around the Interwebs

Our Bro-Diamonds at MetalSucks just posted these photos of an amazing King Diamond piñata some fans of the King made. We've all eagerly been anticipating...

Upcoming Releases

Corey Taylor, a man who two years ago said it's too soon to talk about Slipknot recording, is now finally at the point where...

Around the Interwebs

Kitties!!!! The unstoppable meme force of the internet strike again. We've posted many posts about kitties before, but this may be my favorite. Some...