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Dusty skulls. White lichen eroding tomb walls. Water dripping through limestone. Much death metal evokes the bleeding immediacy of death, but the genre also...

Fuck Yes!

A cool full-circle moment for Slipknot's Jay Weinberg.


Specifically Nicko McBrain and Richie Faulkner.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases includes lots of different types of prog, a heavy metal assault, some boys that are back in town...


Sonata Arctica is able to pour a limitless amount of melody into their melodic metal. But is that always a good thing?

RIP a Livecast

Our good friend Loni, the guy with the hat podcast, is back on the show hanging out with us. We kick things off talking...

Shocking Revelations

Ozzy and Post Malone together?!

Latest News

Wait, there is a lack of solos on the new Slipknot album?


Just how much atmosphere does it take to make good atmospheric black metal? It turns out it doesn't really matter as long as the...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about last night's Video Music Awards. We talk about the performances and the stand up comedian host. Darren shared...

In The Studio

It'll be both powerful and a trip.


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Upcoming Releases

Including a bunch of albums never on vinyl and some posters.