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Search results for "recording"

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"In the end, we expect this album to be between 12 and 15 brand new Static-X tracks. It's the original lineup back together for...

Upcoming Releases

Hey, new Rammstein is finally happening after nearly 10 years!


Eyal Levi is one interesting and prolific guy. A few weeks ago I had the privilege of chatting up the super congenial and thoughtful founding...

Upcoming Releases

Don't expect it until 2019.

Upcoming Releases

"I mean, so far the music is heavy, it's progressive, it's melodic, it's shredding, and it's also epic."

Bummer Alert

"I completely frigged myself on the North American portion of the tour," he says.

Upcoming Releases

Yes, the band with ex-Opeth drummer Martin Lopez.

Upcoming Releases

Jonathan Davis is about to do a massive solo tour, so we'll see.

It's Just Business

The label was owned by Integrity guitarist Domenic Romeo.