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Latest News

While there’s nothing wrong with supporting your favorite metal band down at the local club, there’s truly nothing like going to a massive rock...

Upcoming Releases

That's pretty much all we know.


How has it been 15 years already? It seems like 2005 was only a couple years ago, and we were all enjoying these new...

Undergound Buzz

I don't know about you, but finding a new band is like a treasure hunt for me. Sure, there are a ton of highly...

This Is Just A Tribute

The tributes to late Rush drummer Neil Peart continue to roll in. This time, it's from an uncommon location – spring training. While the...

Music Videos

Body Count has always been a political band, and they lean into it extra with the release of their latest single, "Bum-Rush." Ice-T is...

Bummer Alert

“I don’t think we ever will”


Did you hear that Ozzy Osbourne's new album is out today? It's true! And the label is going all out with their promotional tools. They...


Metallica frontman James Hetfield is trying to get back in the swing of things. After appearing at a car show last month, his first...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include the Prince of Fucking Darkness, wizards, noisy rock, demons, and more! To the metals...

Tour Dates

Nile is hitting various stops in the US, Canada and Mexico

New Music

Ryan Martinie is still insanely good at bass.

Latest News

If you've been to a Slipknot show where the band plays "Spit It Out," you know there is a part where the band asks...

New Music

This might be the coolest thing you hear today.