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Search results for "3"

Tech-Death Tuesday

Space themed technical death metal returns as the focus of today's Tech-Death Tuesday for a second week in a row. I blame Wormed for...


Hallelujah! will be released June 3 through Profound Lore Records. Get a taste of this highly-anticipated album!

Metal In The Mainstream

All the cool kids take their selfies with Snapchat now.


The Body's fifth full-length album certainly registers as "the grossest pop album of all time". Musicians who are as fluid and talented as Chip...

Upcoming Releases

A picture is worth 1,000 words, which means that 15 years worth of pictures is worth a seriously hefty amount of words, right? Definitely...


If you were to attempt to paste a label on their music, they would be a solid metal/post rock/rock/ambient/hardcore/punk/post metal/doom outfit. Metal works for...

Full Album Stream

Doom proprietors Tombs have a new EP coming out this Friday, April 1st, but they're just too excited about it to make their fans...


It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen Walls of Jericho with some new material. The band has been on an extended hiatus, and...


A) Sludge Metal B) Progressive Metal C) Post-Metal D) All of the above


Axl Rose and AC/DC in the same place at the same time? Oh shit, the rumors might be true!


Stating Spiritual Beggars' Sunrise to Sundown would've been more well received 30 years ago is certainly no understatement, yet additionally the execution proves that...

Tour Dates

The summer of Gore!


He claims it's a done deal.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Dust who had the best zinger: "Austin 1:38" Now for this week's fun photo to caption…...

Funeral Doom Friday

This week, we're going into the not-so-distant past to revisit one of the best Funeral Doom albums of 2015 from the German, "Nautik" band,...