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Suicide Silence's new self-titled album, which comes out this Friday, is almost like a rebirth for the band. We'll have a full review on...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a split EP by Nuclear Holocaust and Łeb Prosiaka.


Oh damn, something new is coming soon.


Considering it's been over 45 years since it all began, I find myself involuntary rolling my eyes once I hear yet another band go...


Another solid, no bullshit effort by a band that seems almost incapable of producing any different.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Bob Frapples who had the best zinger: Around 1991 this guy said, "Grunge?….Pfft! I ain't worried."...

Funeral Doom Friday

This week Funeral Doom Friday looks back on the debut full-length album of a personal favorite.

New Music

Stoner and death metal blended together in an exciting new track from this Finnish four-piece.

Upcoming Releases

The Haunted is coming back to haunt some motherfuckers real soon.


Royal Thunder is back, and Royal Thunder is great.

Music Videos

Previously reviewing their debut EP, Naked Awareness, we're proud to premiere the latest single and music video for progressive instrumental group The Surrealist. The track, "Origami," is...

Around the Interwebs

Now that's devotion.


Fans in the Turner Hall Ballroom in Milwaukee, WI hoping to see a full Attila set left disappointed last night. The show ended abruptly...

Weekly Injection

This edition features some over the top epicness, some subtle weirdness, heaviness throughout, and more! To the metals…

Dank Slams

In last week's installment of Dank, we introduced you to a very special guest columnist by the name of Uncle Cam, who went on...

The Thinking Man

Greetings prog dogs (no one calls you that), and welcome to week three of Thinking Man’s Thursday. Your weekly dose of metal that makes...