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Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

Upcoming Releases

I cannot tell you how excited I am. Actually, I can, and that's exactly what I'm about to do: I'm really excited! See, I...


At the time of this Weekly Injection, I am in my usual metal dungeon, but this time I am surrounded by a small group...

Latest News

With all the buzz surrounding Mastodon recently, between the movie Monster's University and the general claims about a new record, we've finally got some...

Upcoming Releases

You mean, they haven't recorded anything yet?!

Upcoming Releases

One thing is on everyone's mind for the next Mastodon record, and that's where the hell they're going to go next in terms of...

Upcoming Releases

When I first started playing bass in high school, my friend Thomas and I made it a point, as all metal youngsters do, to...


Listening to a new, young band like Starkill is sort of like playing a game of audio charades. Who do they most sound like?

Latest News

After a week of silence, the WEEKLY INJECTION has returned with a shiny new writer. There are a few gems on the list of...

Music Videos

String metal band Judgement Day's music video for the song "Cobra Strike," the first single off their new album Peacocks/Pink Monsters. Check out more...


Well, it's that time of year again, and as a student I can say that the month of December is nothing short of hell...

It's Just Business

I personally really enjoy when a band takes the time to rant about the music industry. We all have our complaints but these are...

Injection Reflection

This was a huge week for metal news, with Randy's indictment, the Barge To Hell cruise, Carcass confirming their new album and Mastodon confirming...


Venomous Maximus – debuting on LP here after an independently released EP earlier this year – are 80's metal children, to be sure, but not...

Fuck Yes!

When I think about professional sports and which player and/or position seems to be the most intimidating, I always conclude that hands down, ice...

Latest News

iwrestledabearonce might be having some frontwoman issues, now that Krysta Cameron is out of the band due to pregnancy, but that is not stopping...


The Armageddon chord is the first novel by musician and songwriter Jeremy Wagner. In a broad sense, the book is a fun, fast-paced explosion...

Tour Dates

Apparently Texas is the place to be when it comes to heavy music these days.  First you guys get the only Ozzfest date in...

Upcoming Releases

We've just received a press release that on Winds of Plague's new album, there will be a guest appearance by former WWF World Champion,...

Tour Dates

The New England Metal and Hardcore Festival is only two months away! It's all happening Thursday, April 14 through Saturday, April 16 and even...

Tour Dates

One of the staple American festival has announced the lineup. The New England Metal and Hardcore Festival will kick off Thursday, April 16th and...

Tour Dates

Oceano had a busy today. They posted a new track, “Weaponized” on their Myspace AND they announced a new tour… “Contagion Across The Nation...


By Ben Apatoff LORDI look like GWAR. Now that that's out of the way, remember that originality is overrated, and that being a pioneer...