Not even two years after Feathers & Flesh, Avatar is all geared up to release a new album! The band has announced its new album Avatar Country for January 12, and has unveiled its ambitious and quite heavy new song and video for the song "A Statue Of The King." In keeping with Avatar's general theme, it's quite theatrical, though kudos to the band for doing such a good job with it.
Here's what the band had to say about the album and video, and you can pre-order Avatar Country here.
As art is eternal, so is Avatar Country, and so is our King. These laws of the universe results in an audiovisual masterpiece which is eternal squared. In agreement with the Royal Television (Kungliga Televisionen, KTV), we have chosen to let this be accessible to non citizens through the ”Youtube.” Glory to our King!
The Chamber of Digital Delights and Downloadable Data Dedicated to Decidedly Done Depictions of the King has agreed with the Royal Court to release “A Statue Of The King” as an iTunes instant gratification track. Potential Citizens who pre order Avatar Country on iTunes will receive the song as an immediate download. A Statue Of The King is available on all streaming services now.
Avatar the band, featuring His Royal Highness The King and his elite backing orchestra will release their seventh full length, Avatar Country on January 12, 2018 via Entertainment One in North America and Century Media rest of world. A staff member of the Court comments:
We see this as our opportunity to finally show the world the glory of ‘Avatar Country’ and our King. The album contains the expected superior examples of how metal should and must sound today and for all eternity. Plus, also included is a new rendition of our national anthem and audio recordings from some of the finest moments of the King’s history of public speaking.