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OPETH Has A Book With Exclusive Music Coming Out Soon

Did someone say unheard Opeth tracks?

Did someone say unheard Opeth tracks?

Do you know the story of Opeth? If not, then here's a great book for you to read! If you do, then maybe it's time you had that history written out in a nice hardcover book. The book tells the story of the band from its inception to now and includes photos from throughout the band's career. It also features never-before-heard acoustic renditions of "Atonement" and "Demon of the Fall," which is more than enough reason you should buy it!

According to the book's site-

“The official Book of Opeth is published to celebrate their 25th anniversary. Get your name printed in the roll of Honour and become a part of the book when you preorder NOW.

This sumptuously illustrated oral history presents Opeth’s unique tale, from their earliest days until the present, and all in glorious dark colour. Told in the first-person by Mikael, the band, their friends, former members and collaborators including designer Travis Smith, it is illustrated throughout with hundreds of previously unseen and rare photos, artworks and memorabilia.

Here, for the first time, is the true and complete story of Opeth, revealed in all its terrible and magnificent glory, and illuminated by early, personal, candid, live and studio photographs.”

Order the book here! There's a regular copy and then there's a special edition that includes a clamshell case, a signature from Mikael Åkerfeldt and limited edition art prints from Travis Smith. If anything, the book is totally worth it for just the music!

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Two songs have noticeably been absent for too long.