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JONATHAN HULTÉN (Ex-TRIBULATION) Announces New Album The Forest Sessions

Hultén goes experimental.

Jonathan Hultén

Former Tribulation frontman Jonathan Hultén is back with a brand new record The Forest Sessions due out on December 16. The album consist of experimental versions of songs from Hultén's previous releases Chants From Another Place and The Dark Night Of The Soul, as well as a short film composed of music videos and interludes with animated illustrations and poems.

"It all began with an idea of live streaming a concert from the woods!" said Hultén. "I got a team together, a plan was worked out and eventually the project morphed into the making of 8 unique music videos based on the setlist of a live performance.

"All the filming locations were scouted in reference to the song titles and our plan was to film all the material in 24 hours around an area about 40 minutes from Stockholm, Sweden."

In addition to the vinyl release, The Forest Sessions will also be released as a CD and DVD edition featuring all the music videos and clips from Roadburn Redux Festival. The Forest Sessions is available for pre-order here.

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"Hultén provides a set of songs that are going to be appeal to many even if most of the guitars are unplugged."

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All proceeds will be donated to the International Committee Of The Red Cross.