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IHSAHN Is Recording A New Record!

We might not have Emperor, but we've got Ihsahn.

We might not have Emperor, but we've got Ihsahn.

Ihsahn revealed late in 2014 that he was writing a new record that is due out this year. That was in November, and since then we haven't heard much… and honestly, if you're not following the man on twitter you'll probably totally miss anything going on in the Ihsahn camp. The ex-Emperor vocalist and guitarist posted up the following two photos, meaning it's recording time!

Yes please! It'll be super interesting to see where he goes with this one considering 2013's Das Seelenbrechen was purposefully experimental to the point of completely polarizing fans. So we'll see! The next post you see from us will either be a single from the record, or us talking about the record being out and nobody had any idea.

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