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EMPLOYED TO SERVE Finishes Work On Their New Album

This is good news.

Employed To Serve
Photo by Joe Guppy

Employed To Serve has completed work on the follow-up to their 2021 record Conquering. Whether that means it's all written and recorded, or mixed and mastered, remains to be seen… but there's new Employed To Serve coming and that's always good news.

"Hey, ETS here," wrote Employed To Serve. "Just wanted y'all to know we've finished work on our new album. Love and heavy metal unity always."

In the meantime, you should probably go check out the deluxe version of their album Conquering from 2023. The deluxe version features four new tracks, a remix of "Sun Up To Sun Down" featuring Alien Weaponry, live versions, and a brand new cover. It's also a good excuse to listen to Employed To Serve.

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