Arch Enemy vocalist Alissa White-Gluz revealed back in 2017 she was working on her debut solo album. The album is set to feature Kamelot keyboardist Oliver Palotai and guitarist Jeff Loomis (ex-Nevermore, Arch Enemy), and Misfits guitarist Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein among a slew of other yet-to-be-revealed guests.
Now in an interview with Slipknot percussionist Shawn "Clown" Crahan, White-Gluz reveals her solo album will be anything but what she's done in Arch Enemy.
"With Arch Enemy, I basically do screams — I'm growling; that's the type of vocals that I do. But I actually do clean vocals a lot too, and not that many people know that," White-Gluz said. "I've done a lot of guest appearances with other bands and other artists where I use that clean voice, but I don't really use it that much in Arch Enemy. So the solo thing is kind of just giving me an outlet to do basically any type of vocal acrobatics that I wanna do, whether it be blues-style singing, which I have a guest thing coming out soon like that, which is pretty cool.
"Rock singing, power metal singing, opera singing… Basically, the idea is that it's a way for me to kind of get my musical rocks off in any way that I want, and it's separate from Arch Enemy. So I don't have to go in and dilute Arch Enemy or change what that's about it, 'cause that wouldn't be right either. It's basically something that I kind of just had as this ongoing project that I've been working on any time I had time off from Arch Enemy touring, which was basically no time until this year. So I've been working a lot on it this year and recording it at a home studio that I built. And, yeah, so far I really like it, and I'm looking forward to finishing it up."
Check out the full interview below.