Godsmack's Sully Erna has been known to have some wild and unsubstantiated beliefs about the current pandemic. You may recall, last July, he said the vaccine had already existed and "those fucking liars" are holding onto it until Biden is president. This is in spite of the vaccine rollout happening at the tail end of Trump's presidency. During a recent podcast appearance, the noted scholar pontificated on some more theories about the ongoing pandemic.
Speaking to The Mistress Carrie Podcast, Erna feels the extent of the threat of the virus has been exaggerated, saying “I’m sorry, man, and there may be some people that may get mad at me about saying this, but COVID is not a global killer. It’s doing damage, and it’s certainly affecting the elderly, and we pray for them, and we are really sympathetic towards that, and that’s why we’re all wearing masks, that’s why we’re all doing our job. Because there’s a lot of us that aren’t afraid of COVID, and we know that we’re probably gonna blow right through it.
"But we don’t wanna roll the dice with our loved ones, so we’re being responsible. But at the same time, the reality is this isn’t a global killer. It’s gonna pass, we’re gonna get past it, and we need to get back to normal. So we have to influence the strong to get out there and start working and start going to school and doing what they need to do so we can create population immunity. That’s what’s gonna get us through this. And then we’ll be able to get back to normal.”
As over 500,000 deaths have been logged in the United States, Erna goes on to speculate that the death toll has been wildly exaggerated, speaking in gross generalizations without offering any concrete proof: “There’s been a lot of things proven within the media, the news, to who’s on what side of what, and whether some of this was a political agenda to begin within, whether the numbers are accurate enough to be able to base it on, those half a million people dead. Because there was a lot of people coming forward, a lot of doctors and everything, saying, ‘Why the fuck are we being asked to put COVID on everything? Why did someone just die of pneumonia, and we have to write ‘COVID’? Why did someone come in and have a heart attack, and we’re being told to write ‘COVID’?’
So whether that half-a-million number is correct, that’s the part that I feel like we need to be responsible enough to try and be optimistic about not steering people down one rabbit hole, because that’s what CNN does on one side and Fox does on the other side. So CNN delivers one side of this, and Fox takes you down a different rabbit hole.”
“The thing with COVID is I myself know at least — at least — a dozen, two dozen people, maybe, that have gotten COVID. And I have a friend of mine that, three months later, he’s, like, ‘I’m still having some issues. And it’s weird — I’m getting dizzy spells. I’m getting this, that and the other thing. And what the fuck?’ And then I know another group of people that were, like, ‘Dude, I’ve had a hangover that was worse than this. I had a fever of 99 for about a day and a half and haven’t had a problem since.’ And so it affects everybody differently, and that’s the big mystery.”
There is currently no evidence to show widespread inflation of the numbers, although I'm sure some commenters will chime in rebutting that fact.