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Gutslit is coming at you with the same sort of balls out assault that drew so many of us to the death metal genre


Psychotic Symphony is by no means a bad album; it’s just an unforgivably ineffective and tedious one because of how ordinary it is.

Metal Crimes

The guy almost had to have his leg amputated due to the injuries.

Celebrity Metalheads

The Twisted Sister frontman doesn't like "our image" co-opted.


What exactly do you…Do you see? Demons.

Music Videos

Now in black and white, unlike the band's actual live shows.

Metal Injection Exclusives

Including some stories about being in their previous bands


Embrace the chaos and hell that is The Kennedy Veil's Imperium


There’s still life in the routine yet.

Music Videos

You may not have seen much in the way of music videos when The Dillinger Escape Plan released their final album, Dissociation, and there's good reason...

New Music

The latest in Decibel's long-running Flexidisc series.

Upcoming Releases

Yes, the new album is 100% coming in 2018.

Music Videos

FFO: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Vildhjarta, older Periphery and Bermuda.

RIP a Livecast

Through the Eyes of the Dead founding guitarist Justin Longshore calling in to talk about their just-released new album, Disomus. He explains the title of...

Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus on Oblivion, here's the usual weekly reminder...

Latest News

Yes, we're aware there are four Rambo films.


This old couple knows what's up! They look so happy!