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Best of 2013

What do we consider a viral video? A video which isn't necessarily a music video, usually created by a fan, and either makes us...

It's Just Business

Guns N Roses frontman Axl Rose had a tumultuous relationship with Erin Everly (pictured) in the early 90s. I guess Everly wants nothing to...

Injection Reflection

This was a big week for Tim Lambesis, he learned when his trial was starting, maybe? Lamb of God were in the news this...


Around the time of release of the new Black Sabbath album earlier this year, we learned that Ozzy and his wife Sharon were actually...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Rob headed down to Richmond, VA to Hadad's Lake waterpark for the fourth annual GWARBQ. It was quite the event, with grilling, chillin, bands...

Injection Reflection

Damn it, Slayer. You're not supposed to fight about money, you're f'n Slayer!!!! That was definitely the biggest news of the week, but there...


Although there aren't many, hard-rock-powerhouse Muse, is one commercial non-metal band I've been quite fond of since their early beginnings. Having seen them live...

Injection Reflection

It's been a busy week for us behind the scenes at Metal Injection. We experienced some server downtime, and believe me, we're making massive...

Upcoming Releases

Over the last few months, we've slowly been learning a lot about Metallica's upcoming 3D movie. We know the set list. We know it...

Latest News

One of the sights to behold when witnessing Cannibal Corpse live is the massive neck of frontman George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher. The man is built...

Around the Interwebs

This is awesome. Meet Abbey (she's the one in the photo that isn't Kerry King). Abbey wanted to propose to her boyfriend Dan in...

RIP a Livecast

This week's edition was filled with stories. Stories of weddings, stories of arrests, stories of nipples and being born this way. We heard from...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...


For me personally, Aura Noir is that band I always go back to and rock out in any circumstance or mood. In fact I...

RIP a Livecast

This edition of the Livecast was down to three, as it was only Rob, Noa and Sid. Sean was in Chicago for a wedding...

Latest News

Look, Foo Fighters is not really a metal band, but time and time again, Dave Grohl continues to do really awesome fucking things, and...

RIP a Livecast

It's was a three-person crew on this edition as Sid was on his honeymoon and Sean couldn't make it. That didn't stop this episode...

Latest News

For most people an anniversary acts as a trigger that reminds you another year has gone by in your life. To some people it...


"Yo Shaggy, what you know 'bout Mozart?" "I don't know shit!" begins the greatest collaboration of our time, as indie darling Jack White has...


While browsing the metal subreddit today, I stumbled across a link to the above video. It is music from a Finnish band made up...


My friend Marina had her birthday party at a swanky Russian restaurant this weekend. It was a rare occasion to see my friends get...

Video Games

The GUITAR HERO franchise is still going strong. They are set to release the 5th iteration of their game on September 1st. Some familiar...

Video Games

Over the last few days, a ton of news has come out about Rock Band 2. Leaked photos of the new issue of Game...