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Search results for "demise"

Breakups & Shakeups

One of our favorite powerviolence bands is calling it a day. But they're not quite done just yet.

Upcoming Releases

Plus one 7"! Just in case the 24 LPs weren't doing it for you.

Tour Dates

Going deaf has never sounded so good.


o dismiss this record because of the specious, irrelevant claims of the do-nothings who have detracted it is utter foolery. M is a triumph...


Not a fun weekend for all parties involved.


Anaal Nathrakh has forged quite a well-deserved reputation for being unrelenting, uncompromising, and truly brutal purveyors of extreme metal. Here in the latter stages...

Bummer Alert

A total good news, bad news situation.


Obituary is releasing their latest moldering chunk of sonic grave-soil via Relapse Records. Entitled Inked in Blood, the new one began officially embalming Eustachian...


For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want...

Weekly Injection

Quantity and quality from the more underground side of metal this week friends. this week's edition includes the reunion album from a band that...

Open Metacast

There's a tradition in the United States of America that folks are called upon to serve as jury in court cases. Fortunately I wasn't...


On Manslaughter, it's obvious that Ice-T and Ernie C took their time crafting each song, and the polished production is undoubtedly the result of...

Upcoming Releases

In the wake of Nevermore's demise, we were surprised to learn that frontman Warrel Dane and bassist Jim Sheppard decided to reactive their old...

Shocking Revelations

Prepare for Kurt Cobain conspiracy theorists to go ape-shit.


Thomas Gabriel Fischer has always been a reluctant ringbearer. Though fiercely proud of his artistic legacy, he's often seemed on unsure footing when he...

Black Metal History

Alright, let's be real about this- being a musician is a rough way of life these days. And for a style as specialized and...

Breakups & Shakeups

Twilight, the black metal supergroup featuring troubled Nachtmystium frontman Blake Judd, his bandmate Sanford Parker, Wrest of Leviathan, and Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore are...

Breakups & Shakeups

It hasn't been a banner year for Nachtmystium founder Blake Judd. After being arrested for theft, he took a hard look at his life...

Latest News

Tom G. Warrior bailed on Celtic Frost in 2008, released Triptykon's debut record Eparistera Daimones in 2010 along with the Shatter EP, and then nothing…...