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Search results for "cat"

Injection Reflection

We're already halfway through January, how is this possible? Here is what you missed this week: Anyway, Here's A Cat Singing OZZY OSBOURNE &...

Music Videos

Shoegaze spaciness with pop sensibilities.

Music Videos

Nekrogoblikon is back with one hell of a new single called "This Is It." The single takes some slower heavy metal riffs and makes...

Upcoming Releases

"This is our most diabolical record to date."

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank sits down with Derek and Terrance of Suffocation to discuss 30 years of slamming in the death metal scene, changes they’ve been through,...

It's Just Business

Well, maybe $150 million depending on who you ask.

RIP a Livecast

We have a big announcement at the top of the show and some fun stories to discuss. We kick off the show revealing our...

New Music

An early cut, and one of Terrance Hobbs' favorites.


"This gears Live in North America more towards completionists and those who are really, really going to miss Mullen."

Music Videos

Not based on the book, but a memory associated with it.

Upcoming Releases

Everything from Lunar Strain to A Sense Of Purpose.

Music Videos

A more straightforward rock approach on this one.

Music Videos

"There’s a helicopter in it and an awesome guitar solo. What more could you ask for?"