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Search results for "behemoth"

Matching Tags: behemoth

Injection Reflection

Plus Christian metalcore band finds science and rejects religion, new Machine Head track and more.


It's happening! Unless it isn't happening, which is always possible with Behemoth.


Two different sides of the same story.

The FiX

Can you guess which of these selections were inspirations to Behemoth songs and videos?

Music Videos

Behemoth always make incredible music videos and their offering for "Ben Sahar" is no different. Directed by Sturla Viðar, Dariusz Szermanowicz, and Behemoth frontman...

Latest News

New Behemoth is happening!

Latest News

Farmer Nergal, coming to your ears 2016.

Metal Merch

I want this!

Upcoming Releases

I can't imagine Nergal shouting oi! oi! oi! but I can imagine some punk d-beats on the new Behemoth album.

Tour Dates

Also, there will be a traveling art show with the band!

Bands and Booze

Want, want, want!