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"You'll be enamored and entirely transported with Nell' Ora Blu. Give it a listen immediately."


"Honestly, the biggest flaw of Phantoma is a gripe that could be made about a lot of power metal: too much of it sounds...


With some of their classic lineup, allegedly.


"This album isn't one for genre purists, but lovers of pure expression created by people with a deep understanding of multiple types of music."


"Give Vanden Plas a shot if you're looking for some accessible metal that will be sure to satisfy your melodic tooth."


"The production of this latest album was arduous and challenging to such an extent that it has revealed fractures within the band."

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"I almost feel like it's like the early 2000s in a way, just 'cause it's, like, the guitars are pumped way back up."

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Lacuna Coil is back and they brought New Years Day vocalist Ash Costello with 'em! Lacuna Coil is now streaming "In The Mean Time"...


"If this album is a sign of things to come, then High On Fire aren't getting old. They've just become legends."


"The Shape of Fluidity is an outstanding glimpse into van Dorst's individual (but universally resonant) triumphs and tribulations."