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In an interesting turn of events after Tool announced they'd be playing shows for the first time in two years, there's a rumor floating...


I've never actually looked forward to the time around Valentine's Day, until 2014. If I'm giving anyone a heart-shaped box this year, that thing...

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He'll be spending the next few months in bed playing guitar.

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The must-see doc is released next week!

Around the Interwebs

Devin Townsend's head is never not writing as this collection of lo-fi recordings shows us.

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This is what Down looks like circa 2014


What happens when you take one dude from East of the Wall, one dude that used to be in East of the Wall and...

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It seems Christmas came early for me this year! I've just received a special edition re-release of Pale Folklore, the debut album from folk-metal...

Best of 2013

We asked our videographer Frank Huang to let us know what were his favorite shows to shoot live. You can watch all of Frank's...

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We always spotlight the kids in metal, but what about our elderly headbangers? Lord of the Rings star and all around 91-year-old badass, Christopher...

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Metal Month has come and gone! It’s been a good one, so we’ll recap it all right here for your convenience in case you...

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Everyone's favorite Netherlands-based black metal group Carach Angren finished up their worldwide touring schedule as of September and has been pretty quiet for the past...


Check out our interview with Skog below about his new Metal Amps pack, how he achieved the tones therein, how he gained his engineering...

Open Metacast

Rushing to get this episode out the door because the night I normally have to get the episode put together will be full of...

RIP a Livecast

This Livecast was packed. Fudge packed! Noa returned from touring with Jake and Periphery. Jake was also on air and brought some friends, Justin...

Fuck Yes!

Helena Zmatlíková was a Czech illustrator, whose work is most well known in children's books. Her paintings, which appeared in books published all over the world in more...

Around the Interwebs

Meet Lachlan Connors. Lachlan liked to play lacrosse in sixth grade, and accidently hit his head on the ground one day suffering a concussion. After...

Around the Interwebs

We've featured some pretty brutal cakes on Metal Injection before because we recognize your need for fod that can be considered metal. However, this...

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Slayer is in non-stop press mode to promote their currently headlining tour. A lot of questions have come up about the band's next album,...

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Comedian Reggie Watts blew me away the first time I saw him. He is like comedy's version of Rhazel meets Mike Patton. He creates...

It's Just Business

Metallica created years of bad press with their Napster fiasco in the late 90s, and I feel have just recently been getting above the...

Upcoming Releases

Last week, we were very excited to learn that there are two unreleased Jeff Hanneman-penned tracks floating around in the Slayer camp for possible...