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CARACH ANGREN Are Working On New Music!

Everyone's favorite Netherlands-based black metal group Carach Angren finished up their worldwide touring schedule as of September and has been pretty quiet for the past two months. Probably because they've begun working on their new record!

The band posted up the above photo over the weekend via Facebook with the caption:

"[Guitarist] Seregor and [keyboardist] Ardek writing new haunting melodies"

 Carach Angren has released two amazing records, 2010's Death Came Through a Phantom Ship and 2012's Where the Corpses Sink Forever, back to back in the past three years so I'm very excited for some new music! The band also posted up the following photo that said there were new masks in the works:
So what the hell are Carach Angren up to exactly? New music, new masks… will we be seeing an entirely new side of the band come 2014?


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