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Search results for "pulse"


The Great War is solid as a tank and marks a major victory for Sabaton; 20 years of consistent, hard-hitting, epic metal music. these Swedish...


Victims' seventh album offers up excellent D-beat crust-core with a difference to accompany our inevitable demise.


If 2018 was a big year for heavy metal, 2019 has been gigantic. Roughly six months in and the sheer quantity and quality of...


Now We Sleep maintains the magnetism and strive of The Observer while also upholding its own identity and idiosyncrasies throughout.


It's really inspiring to see After the Burial continuously grow from being one of Sumerian Records' young opening acts to one of their strongest...


Sweet goddamn Lord Dying has made an astronomical leap forward in the four years since Poisoned Altars!


A debate was raging on the floor of Congress this week over the HR-1 bill, which CNN says is a "sweeping legislative proposal” that...

Tour Dates

Holy crap! There are not too many bands that I would imagine Slipknot would be willing to open for, but Metallica is definitely one...


When I was sent the promo for a doom metal record featuring members of Monarch and Year Of No Light I immediately felt whiplash as I scrolled through...

Upcoming Releases

It has begunnnnn!!!


Listen as members of Blut Aus Nord indulge their industrial metal and dystopian soundscape fantasies.


We visit a tale of revenge told with complex characterization and harrowing imagery the likes of which H. R. Geiger and M. C. Escher would...


Avant rock at its finest, Jarboe continues to embrace 35 years into her career.


"Rappers are almost the new rock 'n' roll or punk or whatever."

Best of 2018

Read what our reviewer Nicholas picked for his 40 (FORTY) favorite albums of 2018!


The incredible forward thinking approach of In The Woods... has taken yet another impressive step. What's a man to do but fall deeper in...