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The DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN's Ben Weinman is not just a guitar god, he's also an entrepreneur and a pet lover. So naturally, he put...

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Anybody with a remotely passing interest in metal can remember that day in December 2004 when Dimebag Darrell Abbott was gunned down in Ohio....

Free Swag

Man, it's been a while since we did a Guessing Game. The last time we did it was a few weeks ago, and you...


I love the smell of Napalm Death in the morning. That's why you should start your day by streaming their face-melting new song, "Diktat"...

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First off, I totally stole that headline from Metal Martyr because I really couldn't think of a better one. Now that we got that...


The thrash masters in KREATOR have been working on their new album for many months, and today they have posted the first music to...

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You'd think it'd be a great time to be in Torche. Year-end best-of lists are pouring in, and their stoner/doom/grindcore metal masterwork Meanderthal is...

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After having spent the past 10 years making us all wait 3 or 4 years between studio albums, The Dillinger Escape Plan have announced...


The reaction to the new METALLICA record, Death Magentic, is split with people either saying this is Metallica's return to their roots and others...

Monday Wake Up Call

Woo, three day work week!! Who else is pumped? I thought to start us off this Monday (or if you really think about it…its...

Verbal Diarrhea

The usually reclusive Tom Araya was recently interviewed by the Stormbringer Webzine and one of the questions asked was his thoughts on the new...

Free Swag

Oh my Buddha! This has got to be the biggest giveaway in Metal Injection history. In celebration of the release of MUDVAYNE's new CD,...

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It's time for an all new episode of our video podcast, The FiX. On this edition, the King of Metal, Dave Hill, hosts a...

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Last night, a pack of mainly dudes (aged around 20s-40s) crowded outside of Webster Hall, a Manhattan dance club/hipster magnet best known for ejecting...

Clip of the Day

After posting the new Ozzy Osbourne commercial last week, somebody over at MetalSucks via the comments linked to the above video, which was just...

In the News

Man, I know some people love DIO but uhh… According to The Smoking Gun, a 24-year-old Wisconsin man allegedly became so incensed by a...


I love death metal. Like, LOVE it. Without the glorious, blood-drenched cacophonies of Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Obituary, and Deicide, my tender...

Attention, Stoners:

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Ten years after their breakup, Sleep, one of the most influential and well-loved stoner/doom bands on the planet, are reuniting for...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man on the right is me, Greg Weeks, and I’m the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask...


CANNIBAL CORPSE are getting soft at their old age…I said it. For a band which is world renowned for their amazingly offensive song titles...

Fuck Yes!

Other than the release of their Walk with Me in Hell DVD and Randy Blythe's appearance on the new Gojira CD, it's been a...

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November 4 is a relatively slow day for new music, but that's probably because you (and every sensible American) should be at the polls...

Weekly Video Recap

November already? What a bummer. At least tonight is daylight savings, which means one hour extra sleep (unless you go to sleep an hour...