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AS I LAY DYING have just announced the title of their new album, and with it confirm the departure of clean vocalist Clint Norris:...


For whatever reasons, Chris Barnes and Six Feet Under cause strong reactions in the metal community.  Some have personal beef with Barnes; others deride...


After the demise of German black metal band Nagelfar (not to be confused with the Swedish band Naglfar), drummer Alexander von Meilenwald formed The...


Six years have passed since NahemaH's first album, appropriately named Chrysalis. Since then, the Spanish band has morphed from melodic death/black metal to mature...


Throne of Katarsis isn't for the impatient.  On the Norwegian band's debut full-length, An Eternal Dark Horizon, it unfolds five songs over 55 minutes. ...

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> Static-X is the surprise mystery band set to play the main stage at Ozzfest 2007. Not much of a surprise, if you ask...


It's pompous.  It's polished and perfect.  The first instrumental solo is blistering, full of fleet fingering and hot bends – on keyboards.  The kind...

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METAL Injection has just launched it's coverage of the Maryland Deathfest IV in anticipation for the 5th version of the festival happening this Memorial...

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J. Bennett of Decibel magazine recently conducted an interview with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine, and its one of the better ones. A couple of...


When done right, the death metal power trio can be quite special; Krisiun, Hate Eternal, and Incantation have all found magic in threes.  On...


Ever since Martin Brändström joined Dark Tranquillity for 1999's Projector, the band has honed its now-signature sound – keyboard-driven, Gothenburg melodic death metal.  Changes...

METAL Injection

10:05 – Who the hell wakes up at 8AM to go to a metal show? Metal Injection, that's who! We made it to Massachusetts,...


Before Behemoth became a death metal juggernaut, it played black metal. Of course, its death metal is often called "blackened," and the Polish band...

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News.com.au reports: SPINAL TAP is back, to help save the world from global warming. If only they were clear on exactly what that was....

Clip of the Day

THE RED CHORD may be recording a new album, but that didn't stop them from recording a new video for the song "Fixation on...

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> Candlelight Records has set a September 11 U.S. release date for the forthcoming album from death metal legends OBITUARY. Recording of the currently...

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Vancouver, BC-based heavy metal unit 3 INCHES OF BLOOD has completed work on their hotly anticipated new album entitled Fire Up the Blades.   The follow up...

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Billboard.com reports: QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE has finalized the track list for its next album, “Era Vulgaris,” due in late June or early...

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Relapse Records have announced the signing of Savannah, GA’s BARONESS. BARONESS (Allen Blickle – drums, Summer Welch – bass, John Baizley – guitar, vocals,...


Death metal is almost 20 years old, and for having such explosive beginnings in Sweden, England, and Florida, its rate of progress has slowed...

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A few days ago, bassist Randy Piro announced that he is leaving HATE ETERNAL. He commented: "I am at a crossroads in my life...


Despite biting by hordes of metalcore imitators, Gothenburg-style melodic death metal is alive and well. On Stuck Here on Snakes Way, Finland's Omnium Gatherum...


Dokken's 1979 demo, Back in the Streets (available for free download here), is worth hearing, as it's quite unlike what the name Dokken typically...