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Search results for "neurosis"


Songs for the Apocalypse sees Bieler stretching his artistic breadth by evoking a vast array of imaginative lenses, yet never deviating too far from...


This Is Hell frontman Travis Reilly joins me for the first SCP of 2020. Travis talks about getting into wrestling as a kid, getting...

Record Sales

December was a slight improvement in Spotify listenership, with an average increase of 1.81% across this list. Some bands saw quite the bump, while...

Full Album Stream

Featuring Mastodon, Yob, Full of Hell, ASG and so much more.

Best of 2020

There isn't much to say about this year that hasn't been said already. I feel thankful to remain healthy, employed, and surrounded by family...


Could this be the biggest guest in Squared Circle Pit history? Paul "Triple H" Levesque joins me on this edition to talk about how...

Record Sales

November was not a great month for rock and metal, at least not on Spotify, with 2/3 of the bands on this list losing...

Record Sales

October wasn't the greatest month for rock and heavy metal. Despite some bands seeing large gains in their following, overall listenership only grew by...

Full Album Stream

Read an in-depth interview with the Colorado black metal band and listen to an exclusive stream of their brand new album.

Record Sales

September wasn't a bad month for rock and metal. overall the listens grew by 1.71%, slightly down up from 2.49% last month. The biggest...


I am incredibly excited to talk to one of the biggest guests yet on the show, Adam "Edge" Copeland. We talk about how Edge...


The second half of The Ocean's Phanerozoic dualogy uses kaleidoscopic heaviness to relate the human condition to a 541-million-year cosmic tragedy.

Record Sales

August wasn't a bad month for rock and metal overall. While many bands saw a decrease in listeners, overall the listens grew by 2.49%,...


The unwavering plaintive exquisiteness of No Wilderness Deep Enough makes it an essential journey. 


Inspiration can manifest in the most interesting ways. Artistry could stem from hours spent immersed in subject matter; it could form spontaneously—as if art...


By no means flawless, Alter Ego improves upon Темна Маса in every way, giving listeners a more expansive, developed, and sustained experience.


Seth Rollins is this edition's special guest and he fits right in. We talk about his earliest memories of pro wrestling and heavy metal,...

Upcoming Releases

"We have too much material at the moment. We have enough for probably a couple of albums."

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include emotional journeys with a legendary sludge artist, a supergroup with a bunch of friends, everyone's second favorite...

Record Sales

July wasn't the greatest month for this list. Big surprise for 2020, I know. While many bands saw a decrease in listeners, overall the...

Upcoming Releases

Likely featuring the new track "Light the Torch."