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Search results for "majesty"

Weekly Injection

This edition features some long-waited returns, some album of the year contenders, some supergroups, and more! To the metals...


Finnish melodeath veterans Omnium Gatherum have been churning out consistently good albums for nearly two decades. How does their latest effort The Burning Cold...


Halcyon Way will hardly ever been heralded as iconoclastic saviours of prog/power majesty, but there has been enough individuation established here to warrant a...

Music Videos

Metal Allegiance is the all-star group of heavy metal – featuring four core members: David Ellefson (Megadeth), Alex Skolnick (Testament), Mike Portnoy (ex-Dream Theater) and...


The NYC avant-garde/black metal trio returns with their biggest album yet.


The eccentric prog metal genius talks about Ocean Machine: Live at The Ancient Roman Theatre Plovdiv, the disbandment of DTP, his upcoming releases, and...


Eight grim and frostbitten tracks with a ferocity and blackened dynamism not heard since their classic At The Heart Of Winter album nearly twenty...

Upcoming Releases

Also dudes from Amon Amarth, Armored Saint, Overkill, Death Angel, and Nightwish.


12 different writers, 12 very different lists.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a bunch of reunions, lots of doom, an album I highlighted just to piss people off, and more! To the metals...


Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...

Metal In The Mainstream

Heavy metal helps marathon winners. Makes sense.

Upcoming Releases

Deafheaven premiered their new track "Honeycomb" yesterday, which was immediately followed up by rumors of a new album titled Ordinary Corrupt Modern Love. Today,...


Considering how long it’s been gestating, it’s downright remarkable that Eat the Elephant is so richly surprising, dependable, and multifaceted (in every way possible).


Ministry's longevity and commitment to politically driven industrial music is absolutely impressive. Founder and mastermind Al Jourgenson is as wild onstage as he was...


It’s probably easy to assume that all the classic heavy metal groups in history started off with inspired records, but looking back, that’s not...


The new record from Krosis, Solem Vatem, is an interesting take on how to innovate an otherwise formulaic genre. Krosis are able to take...


Insect Ark are back with their most exciting and visionary offering to date! Get ready to scrape your jaw off the floor.


Monochromatic black metal that will make you run to the hills. Dig in!

New Music

Bloodmoon have come out of the murk of Central California to melt off your face with a transcendent doom metal attack.


Narcos Family Band remind us why punk rock is life on this latest mini masterpiece.