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Search results for "between-the-buried-and-me"

Tour Dates

Holy crap, now this is a prog metal tour.


Between The Buried and Me's Coma Ecliptic comes out this Friday and I've had it for a while, and I can safely say it's...

Injection Reflection

It was a big week for new track premieres, as well as some other big stories. Here are this week's most trending posts of...

Song Premiere

Between The Buried And Me have already showcased two tracks off their upcoming album, Coma Ecliptic. We've heard "Memory Palace," which clearly showed an evolution in the...

Music Videos

Wes Richardson directs another excellent video for BTBAM for their track 'The Coma Machine.' This is the second single off their forthcoming album, Coma Ecliptic,...

Injection Reflection

This has been quite the dramatic week to say the least… At Least 3 Dead After Deadly Van Accident Killing Members of Black Metal...

Upcoming Releases

"It’s probably a big spoiler to say, there’s about 80% clean singing – melodic singing. That’s the way the music has been going."


10 minutes of pure BTBAM bliss!


Juicy riffs!

Latest News

The Contortionist announce a new tour with prog groups Chron and Auras.

Tour Dates

The band release their concept album, Coma Ecliptic on July 7th.

Tour Dates

Leprous, Haken, Igorrr, Destrage... the list goes on. This is only the first night!

Upcoming Releases

New BTBAM is on the horizon!

Latest News

They'll still play Mordecai and Selkies!

Bummer Alert

Stop shouting "play the old stuff" at their shows because it isn't going to happen.


A Redditor from Sweden uploaded the above photo of the kick-off stop of Meshuggah's 25th anniversary tour (North American dates here). Now, of course,...


Trioscapes are like if Frank Zappa were three people, I swear.