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Search results for "Wacken"

Tour Dates

Jinjer finally getting to tour with Slipknot.

Breakups & Shakeups

"It was my wish to avoid any further touring until these issues were resolved."

Shocking Revelations

The Thunder God felt King Diamond was violating the intellectual property that is Kiss.

Tour Dates

Before they hit the studio for a new record.


"Overall, it's an above-average offering that demonstrates a band that still knows how to fire up the engine."


No other country delivers "Pure Black Energy" as masterfully as Norway.

Tour Dates

They'll hit the continent like a plague. What a metaphor.


Abbath Doom Occulta is Immortal. Demonaz Doom Occulta is Immortal. Norwegian black metal is Immortal. Abbath and Demonaz, whose real names are Olve Eikemo and Harald Nævdal respectively, co-founded Immortal in the autumn of 1990. Immortal would become...

Live Footage

Off their new double live album.


Define prolific? Fenriz. Define magnetic? Fenriz. Define genius? Gylve Fenris Nagell, who was born Leif Gylve Nagell, is the answer to everything. Fenriz first let...


A lot of people conflate rap metal and nü-metal, but really, how many nü-metal bands rap? Perhaps the presence of turntables and baggy shorts...