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Latest News

As you're probably wondering, the Smomid isn't just a name. It's an acronym that stands for "String Modeling MIDI Device,” but it's stylized grammatically...


You'll be floored by the new Floor jam!


The first track from their new album, Broken Crown Halo

Music Videos

"Lonesome Rider" by Volbeat in an interesting song that showcases the band's country-ish side, but more importantly is how they nail the perfect visuals...


This is the Trent Reznor song.

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

There are real scientific studies that prove if you read Bandcamp Buried Treasure you'll have a better weekend. Science!

It's Just Business

Finally, no more skipping around to find music I actually like!

Music Videos

Detroit's Shitfucker just delivered a seriously sleazy music video that's a perfect visual representation for the music these scummy, blackened thrash punks play. The video...

Tour Dates

Dream Theater recently announced a string of North American tour dates beginning in March of 2014 that span from Canada to Mexico! Who's going...

Music Videos

The most strong-voiced band of the world releases their fifth album "Dawn of the Brave" and elevates their unique A Cappella Metal to the...

Around the Interwebs

The interesting folks over at Société Perrier picked up twenty four separate band members from various well-known metal groups and asked them the one burning...

Metal Merch

Stern Pinball, Inc. have decided that the world needs an AC/DC pinball machine and made it so. All you need is a serious love...

Latest News

While Stone Sour and Slipknot guitarist Jim Root is taking some time off to work on the new Slipknot record, the two band's frontman...

Breakups & Shakeups

It hasn't been a banner year for Nachtmystium founder Blake Judd. After being arrested for theft, he took a hard look at his life...

Upcoming Releases

The Ocean have been on a tear this year; a new record, a probable new release early in 2014, another DVD coming out, and...

You've seen The Ocean's music video for "Bathyalpelagic II: The Wish in Dreams" already, but come check out the film they've put together for the...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...


By now you've certainly heard your fair share about Metallica's 3D movie, Through The Never. The one lingering question seems to be "is it...


I released a press release late last night to promote the new In This Moment single "Whore" with the included photo attachment described as...


Josh Graham inaugurated A Storm of Light in 2007, shortly before exiting the band he helped found, Red Sparowes. Having also spent the entirety of that decade...

Music Videos

Hidden Lotus directed by Arnaud Gransagne during summer 2013. Taken from the album Meliora in stores since October 2012 and recorded at ConKrete Studio. Hidden...

Music Videos

Does the opening riff not sound like a Mastodon riff? Either way, the new album from The Ocean, Pelagial absolutely crushes. And this new video, "Bathyalpelagic...

Bummer Alert

It's been a little over a month since the tragic loss of Slayer guitarist, Jeff Hanneman and the tributes keep rolling in. We posted...