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Search results for "Corpse"


Along with American juggernauts Cannibal Corpse and Sweden's Spawn of Possession, France's Gorod have helped finish off what has been one of the best...


As I mentioned in a previous A/V Roundup, I was a huge fan of the D. I listened their 2001 self-titled debut record nonstop...

Injection Reflection

This has been an insane week for me personally. I got back from SXSW Sunday night and then went right back to the grind...

Latest News

A hearty congratulations goes out to those fine lads and lady in Cerebral Bore who have secured the opening slot on this year's Summer...

Tour Dates

UPDATE: Tour dates have been announced. Click here to see if this is coming to your town Of all the place you'd think would...

RIP a Livecast

The RIP a Livecast got off to an explosive start with Darren sharing stories about his uncontrollable sphincter. The audio waves of this show...

Black Metal History

Well, February is over with and thus concludes another awesome round of Black Metal History Month. If you missed any of the awesomeness, here...

Hand Ov Doom

Ben Danger and Robben the Grave are back, this time with ALL UNDERGROUND MUSIC, the finest Death, Doom, Black, Thrash, and Traditional metal from...

Black Metal History

As some of us intelligent people might know, there have got to be a few reasons why black metal weapons look so primitive and...

Black Metal History

It's no secret that kittens and black metal go hand in hand on the internet, after all there is even an internet comic dedicated...

Injection Reflection

This was a fun week in metal… we laughed, we cried, we watched Dave Mustaine further and further alienate his entire fanbase. Pretty much...

Tour Dates

As you can see in the above teaser for their upcoming release, Eclipse, Veil of Maya are officially on the Summer Slaughter, along with...

Tour Dates

Last week when Rob announced that Exhumed would be playing this year's upcoming Summer Slaughter Tour, he mentioned that Ben from Goatwhore jumped the...

Injection Reflection

What a busy week in heavy metal this has between. Between all the new music this week, the crazy Black Sabbath news, and all...

Black Metal History

BLACK METAL: to some it's the purest embodiment of uncompromising musical nonconformity, while to others it's the meme that keeps on giving (I predict...

Tour Dates

Well, it looks like Summer Slaughter is really shaping up the "most extreme tour of the year," with the already announced acts: Cannibal Corpse,...

Black Metal History

Both black and death metal embody the most misanthropic, morbid, depressing, sickening, and rebellious traits of mankind—yet they are quite different from each other....

Tour Dates

As promised, every Sunday, the organizers of Summer Slaughter will be revealing another band on the tour. Last week, Cannibal Corpse and Between The...

Injection Reflection

Well this has been a crazy week for me, personally, just readjusting to being back on land and not on a cruise ship. Many...

Tour Dates

Every year I tell myself I want to go to one of these huge European Summer festivals, and every year I try to decide...

Tour Dates

We've been speculating that Cannibal Corpse and Between The Buried and Me would be the headliners for the 2012 edition of the Summer Slaughter...

RIP a Livecast

We were joined by Gary Suarez of Human Toilet for the duration of the show. We spent the majority of the show talking about...

Injection Reflection

The weekend is finally here, which means Frank, Noa and myself are so close to boarding 70,000 Tons of Metal that I can smell...